Member Details

Ms. Kathy Poppers

Ms. Kathy Poppers, ASA


Personal Property

Kathy Poppers Fine Art Appraisal & Services

1332 18th St Apt 1
Santa Monica, CA 90404-1918

800 900-1177

KATHY POPPERS ASA 800-900-1177 Santa Monica, CA

With more than forty-five years experience appraising modern,
contemporary, and late-19th Century fine art, I'm now an active
visionary leader in creating direction for collectors, museums,
private foundations, and artists. My legally-sound appraisal reports
are accepted by the insurance industry, state and federal courts, and
the IRS.

I have developed an outstanding global network of reference resources,
and I'm an authority on authentication management, proof of
provenance, and forensic evidence analysis. In the private art realm,
I operate as a facilitator of transparent transactions for both the
buying and selling of rare paintings and sculpture. I'm also a
skilled public speaker and educator in the fine art world.

  • References upon request

Appraisals Over Internet

Does not accept Fee Assignments

Experience as Expert Witness

Experience with IRS Appraisals

Appraisals for personal relationship dissolution

sculpture, painting, print, drawing, mixed media, outdoor monument, public art, contemporary, modern, Late 19th century art Picasso, Warhol, Alex Grey

Currently holds

Designation(s)Discipline Specialty
PP - Fine ArtsPersonal PropertyFine Arts

Works in Industries

Insurance Agencies
Insurance Companies
Law Firms

Purpose of Appraisals

Purpose of Appraisal
Artist Estates
Celebrities and Celebrity Estates
Corporations and Businesses
Financial Wealth Management Planning
Government, State and Public Agencies
Individual Items
Insurance Coverage/Fraud/Theft/Crime
Museums and Nonprofits
Private Collections